Move from Chaos to Real Connection
Sexual addiction wreaks havoc and causes chaos quickly.
What may begin as small secrets can turn into living a double-life.
Time after time, sexual addiction results in comprising your own values.
Relationships with family members often become distant as problematic sexual behavior gets worse.
Anxiety and depression often escalate as the struggle increases to cover your tracks online.
When you can’t stop the sexual acting out, self-worth is often destroyed.
The chaos of sexual addiction can leave people feeling distant from their spiritual values.
Sexual secrets harm all involved.
Sexual addiction is chronic, progressive, and can cause pain in all aspects of life, personal and professional.
Problems can manifest as repeated breakups due to behavior, sexually transmitted diseases, lack of trust from loved ones, sleep issues, loss of job, financial problems, and even arrest (when illegal activities have occurred).
But there is help, and you can recover.
You need someone who can help navigate the chaos and clear a strategic path for healing.
Sexual addiction confuses intimacy with intensity.
You’re capable and deserving of healing from sexual addiction.
Compulsive sexual behavior does not make you weird or bad.
Often many people become isolated because of shame about their behavior, or in response to the great pain of life becoming unmanageable.
You don’t have to suffer any longer in silence.
I help clients create environments where they can move slowly and safely from isolation to intimacy which often includes groups and community support.
These support systems provide guide rails of support helping people deepen their connection with their self and others they love.
Many begin seeking comfort in addictive ways because of how good it feels.
However, over time, addiction takes away the capacity to feel and instead replaces feelings with suffering.
It helps to address the different systems that are feeding the problematic behavior and get back your dignity, who you are authentically, without living life any longer in a fantasy.
I help clients put the broken pieces of their life back together. You can find the missing connections and experience wholeness.
About Me
I came into therapy myself many years ago when my own life converged in crisis.
I was shown the path to rebuild by some of the most foremost experts in the field. The experience was so life changing, I decided to get the proper training and certification to guide others in their own journey to life change.
I have an eclectic background that includes lots of experience working with people and serving others. I am a veteran as well as a musician. I also have a decade worth of experience working in professional ministry within the church.
When I am not busy helping others, I love to spend time with my wife of 15 years and my two girls enjoying the beautiful Chattanooga outdoors.